Linear chain CRFs
This is less of a blog post, and more of my annotated progress in implementing CRF's based on Charles Elkan's very excellent video and pdf tutorials to get a better understanding of log-linear models.
This notebook contains a bunch of the core functions, though there are also some in
. The full repo is here.
import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
from py3k_imports import *
from project_imports3 import *
pd.options.display.width = 150 # 200
%matplotlib inline
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import inspect
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple
Df = Dict
Y = str
if sys.version_info.major > 2:
unicode = str
import utils; from utils import *
import crf; from crf import *
FeatUtils.bookend = False
Series.__matmul__ =
DataFrame.__matmul__ =
from matmul_new import test_matmul
Probabilistic model¶
Given a sequence $\bar x$, the linear chain CRF model gives the probability of a corresponding sequence $\bar y$ as follows, for feature functions $F_j$, where each $F_j$ is a sum of a corresponding lower level feature function $f_j$ over every element of the sequence:
$$ p(\bar y | \bar x;w) = \frac {1} {Z(\bar x, w)} \exp \sum_j w_j F_j(\bar x, \bar y) $$$$ F_j(\bar x, \bar y) = \sum_{i=1}^n f_j(y_{i-1}, y_i, \bar x, i) $$$Z(\bar x, w)$ is the partition function, that sums the probabilities of all possible sequences to normalize it to a proper probability:
$$ Z(x, w) = \sum_{y' \in Y} \exp \sum_{j=1} ^J w_j F_j (x, y'). $$This way of summing feature functions along a sequence can be seen as a way of extending logistic regression from a single (or multiclass) output to a model that outputs sequences.
Computing the most likely sequence $\text{argmax}_{\bar y} p(\bar y | \bar x;w)$ naively involves iterating through the exponentially large space of every possible sequence that can be built from the tag vocabulary, rendering the computation impractical for even medium sized tag-spaces.
Since the scoring function only depends on 2 (consecutive in this situation) elements of $\bar y$, argmax can be computed in polynomial time with a table ($\in ℝ^{|Y| \times |y|}$). $U_{ij}$ is the highest score for sequences ending in $y_i$ at position $y_j$. It is useful to compute the most likely sequence in terms of $g_i$, which sums over all lower level functions $f_j$ evaluated at position $i$:
Generate maximum score matrix U¶
$$U(k, v) = \max_u [U(k-1, u) + g_k(u,v)]$$$$U(1, vec) = \max_{y_0} [U(0, y_0) + g_k(y_0,vec)]$$This implementation is pretty slow, because every low level feature function is evaluated at each $i, y_{i-1}$ and $y_i$, for each feature function $f_j$ ($\mathcal{O}(m^2 n J )$ where $J=$ number of feature functions, $m=$ number of possible tags and $n=$ length of sequence $\bar y$). Also, using python functions in the inner-loop is slow. This could be significantly reduced if the feature functions could be arranged such that they would only be evaluated for the relevant combinations of $x_i, y_{i-1}$ and $y_i$. I started arranging them in this way in
, but the complexity got a bit too unwieldy for a toy educational project.
def init_score(tags, tag=START, sort=True):
"Base case for recurrent score calculation U"
i = Series(0, index=sorted(tags) if sort else tags)
i.loc[tag] = 1
return i
def get_u(k: int=None, gf: "int -> (Y, Y') -> float"=None, collect=True,
verbose=False) -> '([max score], [max ix])':
"""Recursively build up g_i matrices bottom up, adding y-1 score
to get max y score. Returns score.
- k is in terms of y vector, which is augmented with beginning
and end tags
- also returns indices yprev that maximize y at each level to
help reconstruct tmost likely sequence
pt = testprint(verbose)
imx = len(gf.xbar) + 1
if k is None:
return get_u(imx, gf=gf, collect=1, verbose=verbose)
if k == 0:
return [init_score(gf.tags, START)], []
uprevs, ixprevs = get_u(k - 1, gf=gf, collect=False, verbose=verbose)
gmat = getmat(gf(k))
uadd = gmat.add(uprevs[-1], axis='index')
if k > 0:
# START tag only possible at beginning.
# There should be a better way of imposing these constraints
uadd[START] = -1
if k < imx:
uadd[END] = -1 # END only possible at the...end
if k == 1:
idxmax = Series(START, index=gf.tags) # uadd.ix[START].idxmax()
idxmax = uadd.idxmax()
pt('idxmax:', idxmax, sep='\n')
retu, reti = uprevs + [uadd.max()], ixprevs + [idxmax]
if not collect:
return retu, reti
return s2df(retu), s2df(reti)
def mlp(idxs, i: int=None, tagsrev: List[Y]=[END]) -> List[Y]:
"Most likely sequence"
if i is None:
return mlp(idxs, i=int(idxs.columns[-1]), tagsrev=tagsrev)
elif i < 0:
return tagsrev[::-1]
tag = tagsrev[-1]
yprev = idxs.loc[tag, i]
return mlp(idxs, i=i - 1, tagsrev=tagsrev + [yprev])
def predict(xbar=None, fs=None, tags=None, ws=None, gf=None):
"Return argmax_y with corresponding score"
if gf is None:
ws = ws or mkwts1(fs)
gf = G(ws=ws, fs=fs, tags=tags, xbar=xbar)
u, i = get_u(gf=gf, collect=True, verbose=0)
path = mlp(i)
return path, u.ix[END].iloc[-1]
# path2, score2 = predict(xbar=EasyList(['wd1', 'pre-end', 'whatevs']),
# fs=no_test_getu3.fs,
# tags=[START, 'TAG1', 'PENULTAG', END])
import test; reload(test); from test import *
no_test_getu1(get_u, mlp)
no_test_getu2(get_u, mlp)
no_test_getu3(get_u, mlp)
$$\frac{\partial}{\partial w_j} \log p(y | x;w) = F_j (x, y) - \frac1 {Z(x, w)} \sum_{y'} F_j (x, y') [\exp \sum_{j'} w_{j'} F_{j'} (x, y')]$$$$= F_j (x, y) - E_{y' \sim p(y | x;w) } [F_j(x,y')]$$Forward-backward algorithm¶
- Partition function $Z(\bar x, w) = \sum_{\bar y} \exp \sum _{j=1} ^ J w_j F_j (\bar x, \bar y) $ can be intractible if calculated naively (similar to argmax); forward-backward vectors can make it easier to compute
Compute partition function $Z$ from either forward or backward vectors
$$ Z(\bar x, w) = \beta(START, 0) $$$$ Z(\bar x, w) = \alpha(n+1, END) $$[It seems there could be an error in the notes, which state that $Z(\bar x, w) = \sum_v \alpha(n, v) $. If this is the case, $Z$ calculated with $\alpha$ will never get a contribution from $g_{n+1}$, while $Z$ calculated with $\beta$ will in the $\beta(u, n)$ step.]
Check correctness of forward and backward vectors.
- $ Z(\bar x, w) = \beta(START, 0) = \alpha(n+1, END) $
- For all positions $k=0...n+1$, $\sum_u \alpha(k, u) \beta(u, k) = Z(\bar x, w)$
def mk_asum(gf, vb=False):
n = len(gf.xbar)
tags = gf.tags
p = testprint(vb)
def get_asum(knext=None):
if knext is None:
# The first use of the forward vectors is to write
return get_asum(n+1)
if knext < 0:
raise ValueError('k ({}) cannot be negative'.format(k))
if knext == 0:
return init_score(tags, tag=START)
k = knext - 1
gnext = gf(knext).mat
ak = get_asum(k)
if vb:
names = 'exp[g{k1}] g{k1} a_{k}'.format(k1=knext, k=k).split()
p(side_by_side(np.exp(gnext), gnext, ak, names=names))
# expsum = Series([sum([ak[u] * np.exp(gnext.loc[u, v])
# for u in tags]) for v in tags], index=tags)
# vectorizing is much faster:
expsum = np.exp(gnext).mul(ak, axis=0).sum(axis=0)
return expsum
return get_asum #(knext, vb=vb)
def mk_bsum(gf, vb=False):
p = testprint(vb)
n = len(gf.xbar)
tags = gf.tags
def get_bsum(k=None):
if k is None:
return get_bsum(0)
if k > n + 1:
raise ValueError('{} > length of x {} + 1'.format(k, n))
if k == n + 1:
return init_score(gf.tags, tag=END)
gnext = gf(k + 1).mat
bnext = get_bsum(k + 1)
if vb:
names = ['exp[g{}]'.format(k+1),'g{}'.format(k+1),
p(side_by_side(np.exp(gnext), gnext, bnext, names=names))
# expsum = Series([sum([np.exp(gnext.loc[u, v]) * bnext[v]
# for v in tags]) for u in tags], index=tags)
expsum = np.exp(gnext).mul(bnext, axis=1).sum(axis=1)
return expsum
return get_bsum
def test_fwd_bkwd():
tgs = [START, 'TAG1', END]
x = EasyList(['wd1', 'pre-end'])
fs = {
# 'eq_wd1': mk_word_tag('wd1', 'TAG1'),
'pre_endx': lambda yp, y, x, i: ((x[i - 1] == 'pre-end')
and (y == END))
ws = z.merge(mkwts1(fs), {'pre_endx': 1})
gf = G(fs=fs, tags=tgs, xbar=x, ws=ws)
amkr = mk_asum(gf)
bmkr = mk_bsum(gf)
za = amkr().END
zb = bmkr().START
assert za == zb
for k in range(len(x) + 2):
assert amkr(k) @ bmkr(k) == za
return za
Calculate expected value of feature function¶
Weighted by conditional probability of $y'$ given $x$
$$ E_{\bar y \sim p(\bar y | \bar x;w) } [F_j(\bar x, \bar y)] = \sum _{i=1} ^n \sum _{y_{i-1}} \sum _{y_i} f_j(y_{i-1}, y_i, \bar x, i) \frac {\alpha (i-1, y_{i-1}) [\exp g_i(y_{i-1}, y_i)] \beta(y_i, i) } {Z(\bar x, w)} $$def sdot(s1: Series, s2: Series):
"""It's quite a bit faster to get the dot product
of raw numpy arrays rather than of the Series"""
d1, d2 = s1.values[:, None], s2.values[:, None]
return d1 @ d2.T
def expectation2(gf, fj):
"Faster matrix multiplication version"
tags = gf.tags
n = len(gf.xbar)
ss = 0
ss2 = 0
asummer = mk_asum(gf)
bsummer = mk_bsum(gf)
za = partition(asummer=asummer)
global α, β, alpha_vec, beta_vec, gfix, smat
def sumi(i):
gfix = np.exp(gf(i).mat.values)
alpha_vec = asummer(i - 1)
beta_vec = bsummer(i)
fmat = np.array([[fj(yprev, y, gf.xbar, i) for y in tags]
for yprev in tags])
smat = sdot(alpha_vec, beta_vec) * gfix * fmat
return smat.sum() #.sum()
return sum([sumi(i) for i in range(1, n + 2)]) / za
def expectation_(gf, fj):
"Slow, looping version"
n = len(gf.xbar)
ss = 0
za = get_asum(gf).END
for i in range(1, n + 2):
gfix = np.exp(gf(i).mat)
alpha_vec = get_asum(gf, i - 1)
beta_vec = get_bsum(gf, i)
ss += sum(
[fj(yprev, y, gf.xbar, i) * alpha_vec[yprev]
* gfix.loc[yprev, y] * beta_vec[y]
for yprev in tgs
for y in tgs])
return ss / za
def partial_d(gf, fj, y, Fj=None) -> float:
f = fj if callable(fj) else gf.fs[fj]
if Fj is None:
Fj = FeatUtils.mk_sum(f)
#ex1 = expectation(gf, f)
ex2 = expectation2(gf, f)
#assert np.allclose(ex1, ex2)
return Fj(gf.xbar, y) - ex2
def prob(gf, y, norm=True):
Fs = z.valmap(FeatUtils.mk_sum, gf.fs)
p = np.exp(sum([Fj(gf.xbar, y) *[fname]
for fname, Fj in Fs.items()]))
if not norm:
return p
za = partition(gf=gf)
return p / za
def partition(gf=None, asummer=None):
assert asummer or gf, 'Supply at least one argument'
asummer = asummer or mk_asum(gf)
return asummer().END
Test Partial¶
λ = 1
def train_(zs: List[Tuple[EasyList, AugmentY]],
fjid='ly_VBZ', fs=None, ws=None, vb=True, tgs=None, rand=None):
fj = fs[fjid]
Fj = FeatUtils.mk_sum(fj)
pt = testprint(vb)
for x, y in zs:
gf_ = G(fs=fs, tags=tgs, xbar=x, ws=ws)
if not Fj(x, y): # TODO: is this always right?
pder = partial_d(gf_, fj, y, Fj=Fj)
wj0 = ws[fjid]
ws[fjid] += λ * pder
pt('wj: {} -> {}'.format(wj0, ws[fjid]))
pt('pder: {:.2f}'.format(pder), Fj(x, y))
return ws
def train_j(zs: List[Tuple[EasyList, AugmentY]], fjid='ly_VBZ',
fs=None, ws=None, tol=.01, maxiter=10,vb=True,
tgs=None, sec=None):
ws1 = ws
pt = testprint(vb)
st = time.time()
for i in count(1):
pt('Iter', i)
wj1 = ws1[fjid]
ws2 = train_(zs, fjid=fjid, fs=fs, ws=ws1, vb=vb, tgs=tgs)
wj2 = ws2[fjid]
if abs((wj2 - wj1) / wj1) < tol \
or (i >= maxiter) \
or (sec is not None and (time.time() - st > sec)):
return ws, i
ws1 = ws2
def train(zs_, gf, ws=None, tol=.001, maxiter=10, vb=False,
sec=None, seed=1):
wst = (ws or
zs = zs_.copy()
for fname, f in gf.fs.items():
itime = time.time()
wst, i = train_j(zs, fjid=fname, fs=gf.fs, ws=wst, tol=tol,
maxiter=maxiter, vb=vb, tgs=gf.tags, sec=sec)
print(fname, 'trained in', i, 'iters: {:.2f} ({:.2f}s)'
.format(wst[fname], time.time() - itime))
return wst
# %time ws1c = train(zs, gf, mkwts1(gf.fs, 1), maxiter=100, tol=.005)
Since I'm maximizing the log-likelihood during testing, that would seem a natural measure to evaluate improvement. I'm a bit suspicious about bugs in my implementation, so I'd like to evaluate Hamming distance between actual $y$ and the predicted sequence see how much the predictions improve.
Load data¶
with open('data/pos.train.txt','r') as f:
txt =
sents = filter(None, [zip(*[e.split() for e in sent.splitlines()])
for sent in txt[:].split('\n\n')])
X = map(itg(0), sents)
Y_ = map(itg(1), sents)
Xa = map(EasyList, X)
Ya = map(AugmentY, Y_)
tags = sorted({tag for y in Y_ for tag in y if tag.isalpha()})
# common bigrams
bigs = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
for y in Y_:
for t1, t2 in zip(y[:-1], y[1:]):
bigs[t1][t2] += 1
bigd = DataFrame(bigs).fillna(0)[tags].ix[tags]
wcts_all = defaultdict(Counter)
for xi, yi in zip(X, Y_):
for xw, yw in zip(xi, yi):
wcts_all[xw][yw] += 1
# Split training and testing examples
Zs = zip(Xa, Ya)
print(len(Zs), 'examples')
Zstrn = Zs[:100]
Ztst = Zs[100:201] # it's too slow right now,
# so 100 examples in each set should do
def hamming(y, ypred, norm=True):
sm = sum(a != b for a, b in zip(y, ypred))
return sm / len(y) if norm else sm
fs0 = crf.fs
ws0 = rand_weights(fs, seed=0)
gf0 = G(fs=fs0, tags=sorted([START, END] + tags),
xbar=EasyList(['']), ws=ws0)
hams0 = [
hamming(y.aug[1:-2], predict(gf=gf0._replace(xbar=x))[0][1:-2])
for x, y in Ztst[:]]
print('Initial error rate with random weights: {:.2%}'
This training takes forever...not recommended
%time ws_trn = train(Zstrn[:], gf, ws1e, maxiter=100, tol=.0005, sec=None, seed=3)
ws_trn = {'cap_nnp': 5.42, 'dig_cd': 6.2, 'dt_in': 3.26,
'fst_dt': 4.44, 'fst_nnp': 1.49, 'last_nn': 7.34,
'post_mr': 6.68, 'wd_a': 10.17, 'wd_and': 10.64,
'wd_for': 10.51, 'wd_in': 10.50, 'wd_of': 10.64,
'wd_the': 12.9, 'wd_to': 11.18}
gf_trn = gf0._replace(ws=ws_trn)
hams_trn = [hamming(y.aug[1:-2],
for x, y in Ztst[:]]
print('Error rate after training weights: {:.2%}'
The 78% to 64% error rate decrease seems to be a decent improvement, considering the small number of feature functions.
!osascript -e beep